That’s the question that our newest guide all about integrated email marketing will answer for you.
We talk to a lot of associations who are frustrated with their current email programs because they’re having trouble engaging members. They’re afraid to try and segment members to create more relevant and interesting emails, because they’re not confident that the data they’re pulling from their database is accurate, or that there will be a mix-up in the upload process — not to mention that it takes a lot of time to go through the manual process.
If this sounds like something you can relate to, integrated email marketing might be an option to consider. Your email service provider (ESP) and your association management system (AMS) are two powerful tools you have when it comes to membership and communication, so why not combine the strengths of each of them and create an advanced email marketing program for your association — an integrated email marketing program?
This guide covers the ins and outs of integrated email marketing such as the benefits of this approach, how integrated email marketing plays into reaching the “right person with the right message at the right time,” highlights an example of integrated email marketing in action, and covers the types of integrations Informz can offer you.
The post Is Integrated Right For You? appeared first on Informz.